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Customize Your Own Mirror

How many times have you found yourself searching for a home accessory that doesn’t seem to exist or trudged through piles of the wrong décor, mumbling “this would be so much easier if I just designed myself?” We know the feeling.

Take a moment to consider the mirror. The one found in your bathroom is a vital home accessory. Beyond simply using it as part of your daily routine—it’s a dynamic design element that can enhance the beauty of this high-traffic room. Historically, shopping for a mirror is not an easy task. Pre-fab mirrors are not dynamic or customizable. Wading in unorganized piles of unworthy mirrors doesn’t have to be your fate—the Delta Custom Reflections mirror system is the home décor solution you’ve been looking for.

In three easy steps, you can have the bathroom mirror you’ve always wanted without having to compromise.

Step 1: Choose your glass.
Delta Custom Reflections offers two types—standard glass and TruClarity. TruClarity is clearer, whiter and brighter than standard glass—it’s an upgrade worth your time and attention. Regardless of your preference, both types of glass offer SafeBreak, a full-coverage backing that keeps glass secure in case of breakage.

Step 2: Pick a frame.
Get excited to pick a frame. There are over 200 possible combinations for the mirror and the frame. The only thing needed is your imagination. With Easy-Snap assembly, you can add or change your frame in an instant. If a frame isn’t for you, no worries—Delta Custom Reflections can be mounted without one.

Step 3: Finalize your mount.
This is a subtle but important last step in the placement of your Custom Reflections mirror. The mirror can be hung flush against the wall or floated so the mirror is closer to you. The custom process seems simple, because it is. Decorating your home to match your wildest dreams just got a little bit easier and a whole lot cooler.

Already dreaming up what your perfect mirror would look like? Make it a reality — Browse Delta Custom Reflections Mirrors